I LOVE working for the Arc of Indiana! 2014 began with a major announcement surrounding the creation and building of a hotel that's geared toward giving people with disabilities the option of going to post secondary education after getting out of high school. Valuable skills will be taught right in the hotel which will open the opportunity to use those skills to gain employment in the hospitality field or in another field of their choice! My heart is jumping for joy just thinking about how wonderful this project is, and how it will impact lives in untold ways! This project is changing the face of what employment means for people with disabilities. Can you imagine the excitement that will go on inside this building once it's built and up and running? Smiles will be abundant, laughter will fill the halls! Warm hellos and handshakes will greet you as you walk in. Personal touches will be seen in every room by all the artwork, made possible through the artistic eye of artists with disabilities. If you come stay at the hotel from out of town and want something to remind you of your stay in Indiana, I have no doubt that those in the gift shop will jump at the chance to help you find the perfect "Indiana" treasure! This hotel and training institute is more than just an ordinary building. This building, will change lives. It will help people with disabilities see what they bring to the table in who they are. They will be a team player in getting things done for guests and maintaining the hotel, and they will have
chosen to be in the hospitality field. Think about the word c
hoice... there are many factors that lead to making different choices for different people, but for people with disabilities,
choices are freedom. Freedom from stereo-types, freedom from can't and won't. Freedom from feeling useless and not worth anything. Choices make us feel like everyone else!! Choices help us to see that we are part of the weave of humanity....it brings life to our soul and pep in our step! The Arc Teaching Hotel/ Training Institute will break the stereotype of what is possible in the lives of people with disabilities. Can you lend a hand to help continue to change stereotypes? To upbuild and encourage, to change the self-image of people with disabilities and give us hope!! We need your help!!! Money is made and exchanged for things that we feel are important. I can't emphasize how important this is......Dreams are one of the things that give life to the soul and the motivation to not give up!! There are so many things that people with disabilities are up against, that hurt us and break us down, and squash every ounce of hope and confidence out of us everyday.....Don't let the ability to make our own choices be one of them!! Employment is life, and with your help in donating to this project life will be just that much sweeter!!! From the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you for helping us live the life we have always wanted!!

Jeff Huffman-
Thank you for always wearing your heart on your sleeve and understanding how important changing the landscape is for those of us with disabilities! You are an awesome cheerleader! I'm glad to know you and your family, to work with you and to call you my friend! The disability community is so fortunate to have you in their corner! :)
Jeff talks about the hotel and the reason it came about here: http://www.arcind.org/view-jeff-huffman-postsecondary-education-arc-training-institute-teaching-hotel/
Arc Staff: You all continue to amaze me with how you hold true to your mission to help those with disabilities! Thank you for allowing me to experience the ride and to experience your incredibly generous hands and hearts in helping me achieve my most cherished dream and allowing me to help others in the most wonderful way possible!
Here's to helping many other dreams be ACHIEVED!! XOXO!
Michelle is the host of A View From My Window, a podcast produced by The Arc of Indiana
I thought this was an interesting article I read the other day and thought it went along with this post!
For more information and to make a donation to the Teaching Hotel/Training Institute click this link: http://www.arcind.org/training-institute/